Technical University of Delft

Delft, The Netherlands

Biotechnology (This category covers the technological applications of DNA and other biological molecules. It also includes tools for manipulating biological materials.)

Primary Research Units and Focus:
Pattern Recognition Group

Deeper Links:
IMDS (Intelligent Molecular Diagnostic Systems)

Mid-Field Microscopy

BioChips: Enzymatic Reactions in nanoliter wells

Nanoscale Electrophoresis

UBICOM: Ubiquitous Communications

NANOCOMP: Nano computing

PILE: Programming Models for High-Performance Image Processing

SmartCam: Devices for Embedded Intelligent Cameras

IOP-CFT: Look-while-place component placement

IOP-VVP: Precise harvesting of leafs using Robot Vision

RoboCup: Autonomous Soccer playing Robots

Multi-dimensional digital measurement techniques

Superresolution in undersampled image sequences

Dynamic Superresolution of moving objects in image sequences

3D image analysis of microstructures food products

Texture analysis and segmentation of subsurface images

4D image analysis

CLOP: Binary Morphology (Skeletonization) in N-D Images

MISIT (Minimally Invasive Surgery and Interventional Techniques)

Improved techniques for virtual endoscopy

Automatic polyp detection for CT colonography

DIPEX (Development of Improved endoProstheses for the upper EXtremities)

Improvement of Early Detection and Monitoring of Glaucoma

3-D genomic distribution

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