Updated October 2004
Computer Displays:
Roll Up, Paint On and Shrink Down
report examines the current state of computer display technology,
organizes key issues and puts them in context, and succinctly explains
how the technology works.
The relatively small windows we use as our main means of interaction
with computers fall far short of the high-contrast, nuanced, three-dimensional,
360 degree view the real world offers.
Researchers are working to close the gap by making larger, thinner,
more flexible flat-panel displays; improving picture brightness,
sharpness and contrast; making more realistic three-dimensional
displays; and producing foldable electronic paper.
Researchers are also looking for cheaper ways to produce screens.
In the not-so-distant future this research could enable enable high-quality
video on surfaces as diverse as books, T-shirts, and sides of buildings.
Other research efforts are looking to bring to the real world a
couple of future technologies previewed in movie special effects:
transparent screens a la Minority Report and holographic video like
that seen in Star Wars.
The report includes an executive summary, a list of 13 developments
to look for as these cutting-edge technologies take shape, and a
section of 20 researchers to watch, including links to their Web
pages. It also includes a quick tour of 35 recent developments in
six areas and a section of 26 in-depth news stories from TRN.
The stories are organized into seven categories: components, plastic
electronics, display performance, electronic paper, assembly processes,
three-dimensional technologies and display types.
Making the Future reports contain live links, and can
be read on a computer, printed and archived.
Buy the the Computer Displays
report for $89.
You will receive download instructions via
Main Report:
How It Works:
In-Depth Stories:
stories, including 22 images
Table of Contents:
Main Report
the box outside the box
Cheaper, smaller, transparent
Light-emitting diodes
Reaching for Minority Report
Improving the contrast
Sharpening the image
Flat-panel evolution
Chips and nanotubes
Microscopic machinery
He took his screen out of his pocket and unfolded it...
Paint-on screens
Screens that construct themselves
Making 3D deeper, wider and brighter
Lose the glasses
Right there in the room with you
Look Ma, no screen
Putting it altogether
A bigger, brighter, cheaper future
How It Works
Using mechanics
Electronic ink
In-Depth Story Categories
Plastic electronics
Display performance
Electronic paper
Assembly processes
Three-dimensional technologies
Display types
a look at all
available Making the Future reports.
View a four-page sample of the Making
the Future report (pdf).