The Victorian Internet: The Remarkable Story of the Telegraph and
the Nineteenth Century's Online Pioneers
Author: Tom Standage
Publication Dates: 1998, 1999
Publisher: The Berkeley publishing group, a division of Penguin
Putnam Inc.
Details: 228 pages, 12 chapters plus epilogue, sources, Morse
code lists
Excerpts: chapter
1, chapter
2, chapter
3, chapter
5, chapter
7, chapter
8, chapter
10, chapter
Keywords: telegraph, telecommunications, Internet, electricity,
Suggested by: TRN Staff
by Kimberly Patch, Technology Research News
Victorian Internet is the thorough and engaging tale of the
rise and fall of the telegraph -- a technology whose end was long
enough ago that its impact and the day-to-day details of life surrounding
the technology have faded from collective memory.
Aside from its considerable worth as interesting history,
the tale bears telling because of its remarkable business and social
parallels with the Internet.
The book is well and engagingly written, and Standage is
skilled at putting the reader on the ground at the times and places
of the telegraph's rise, rein, and fall. He conveys well what it
must have been like when a world accustomed to having the pace of
information regulated by post and passenger pigeon gained an instantaneous
medium, including the inevitable speculation, predictions and misconceptions
about a budding technology.
Predictions sparked as the telegraph took hold are more
than vaguely familiar -- a technology that would cut out the middleman,
kill newspapers, and bring about world peace. So, too, are social
constructs enabled by the telegraph -- a worldwide network of telegraph
operators that kept in touch daily.
The book spans a century and a half, from the April day
in 1746 when French scientist Jean-Antoine Nollet zapped a couple
hundred monks in an early exploration of the technology, to the
late 1800s, when all of the telegraph journals were changing their
names. It includes a long list of engaging characters -- in Standage's
words, "the oddballs, eccentrics and visionaries who were the earliest
pioneers of the online frontier."
Especially in the preface, last chapter, and epilogue, Standage
ties the telegraph to today's technological world, including the
rise of electricity and the Internet.
The sources section cites thirty-four books, including many
titles from the 1800s. The more modern sources include News
over the Wires: The Telegraph and the Flow of Public Information
in America 1844-1897, by Menahem Blondheim; How
the World Was One, by Arthur C. Clarke; What
Will Be. How the New World of Information Will Change Our Lives,
by Michael Dertouzos; The
American Telegrapher -- A Social History, Edwin Gabler;
Invisible Weapon: Telecommunications and International Politics,
1851-1945, by Daniel R. Hedrick; Early
History of Data Networks, Gerard Holtzman and Bjorn Pehrson;
Highways and Byways: From the Telegraph to the 21st Century,
Irwin Lebow.
The Victorian Internet contains the following
Chapter 1: The Mother of All Networks
Chapter 2: Strange, Fierce Fire
Chapter 3: Electric Skeptics
Chapter 4: The Thrill Electric
Chapter 5: Wiring the World
Chapter 6: Steam-Powered Messages
Chapter 7: Codes, Hackers and Cheats
Chapter 8: Love over the Wires
Chapter 9: War and Peace in the Global Village
Chapter 10: Information Overload
Chapter 11: Decline and Fall
Chapter 12: The Legacy of the Telegraph
Sources section (4 pages)
American and International Morse code lists
Excerpts from The Victorian Internet:
Chapter 1: The Mother of All Networks
Page 9
Chappe wanted to call his invention the tachygraphe -- from the
Greek for "fast writer" -- to signify the unprecedented speed with
which it transmitted information. However, he was talked out of
it by his friend Miot de Mélito, a government official and classical
scholar, who suggested the name télégraphe, or "far writer" instead.
Page 18
In fact, as far as most people were concerned, so little progress
appeared to have been made toward the goal of a practical electric
telegraph compared to the highly successful optical design that
anyone who expressed an interest in electric telegraphy was regarded
as something of an eccentric. As one satirical verse of 1813 put
Chapter 2: Strange, Fierce Fire
Page 26
Morse was forty-one when he caught the telegraph bug following a
chance meeting on board a ship in the mid-Atlantic. In 1832, he
was returning to the United States from Europe, where he had spent
three years in Italy, Switzerland and France improving his painting
skills and working on a rather harebrained scheme to bring the treasures
of the Louvre in Paris to an American audience. On a six-by-nine-foot
canvas, he was painting miniature copies of thirty-eight of the
Louvre's finest paintings...
Chapter 3: Electric Skeptics
Page 45-46
In December 1842, [Morse] journeyed alone to Congress in a final
bid for funding. He strung wires between two committee rooms in
the Capital and sent messages back and forth... two days later the
bill was passed by a vote of eighty-nine to eighty-three -- a narrow
margin which reflected the widespread unease that the electric telegraph
might still turn out to be nothing more than elaborate conjuring
trick. But seventy congressmen chose not to vote at all, "to avoid
the responsibility of spending the public money for a machine they
could not understand."
Chapter 5: Wiring the World
Page 83
Indeed, the construction of a global telegraph network was widely
expected, by Briggs and Maverick among others, to result in world
peace: "it is impossible that old prejudices and hostilities should
longer exist, while such an instrument has been created for the
exchange of thought between all the nations of the Earth."
Chapter 7: Codes, Hackers and Cheats
Page 111
The confusion of different rules increased as more countries signed
bilateral connection treaties. Finally, 1864, the French government
decided it was time to sort out the regulatory mess. The major countries
of Europe were invited to a conference in Paris to agree on a set
of rules for international telegraphy. Twenty states sent delegates,
and in 1865 the International Telegraph Union was born. The rules
banning the use of codes by anyone other than governments were scrapped;
at last, people could legally send telegrams in code. Not surprisingly,
they started doing so almost immediately.
Chapter 8: Love over the Wires
Page 134
"Ordinarily an operator can tell a woman in the moment he hears
her working the wire," claimed the Western Electrician magazine
in 1891. "He tells by her touch on the key."
Page 141
Young Thomas Edison was legendary for being able to take down messages
as fast as anyone could transmit them. Edison was taught Morse code
as a teenager by a railway stationmaster, whose three-year-old son
he had plucked from the path of an oncoming train.
Chapter 10: Information Overload
Page 172
Under this scheme, companies and individuals could reserve a special
word as their 'telegraphic address' to make life easier for anyone
who wanted to send them a telegram. Telegraphic addresses were easier
to remember than full postal addresses, and after 1885 the pricing
scheme was changed so that it cost more to send a message to someone
with a longer address.
Chapter 12: The Legacy of the Telegraph
Page 205
Although it is now faded from view, the telegraph lives on within
the communications technologies that have subsequently built upon
its foundations: the telephone, the fax machine, and, more recently,
the Internet. And, ironically, it is the Internet -- despite being
regarded as a quintessentially modern means of communication --
that has the most in common with its telegraphic ancestor.
Other books by the author:
Turk: The Life and Times of the Famous Eighteenth-Century Chess-Playing
Neptune File: A Story of Astronomical Rivalry and the Pioneers of
Planet Hunting
History of the World in Six Glasses (June
7, 2005)
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