24th International Congress on Applications of Lasers and Electro-Optics
Host Organization: Laser Institute of America
Date: October 31 - November 3
Location: Miami, Florida
Event Webpage: www.icaleo.org
Host Website: N/A
Contacts: conferences@laserinstitute.org
Third International Symposium on Quantum Informatics
Host Organization: Chair of Quantum Informatics Moscow
State University
Date: Monday, October 3 - Friday, October 7
Location: Zvenigorod, Russia
Event Webpage: qi.cs.msu.su/ru/QI-2005
Host Website: qi.cs.msu.su/en
Contacts: ozhigov@hotbox.ru,
(095) 332 47 53
Photonex 2005
Host Organization: N/A
Date: Tuesday, October 5 & Wednesday, October 6
Location: Coventry, United Kingdom
Event Webpage: www.photonex.org
Event Program: N/A
Host Website: N/A
Contacts: info@photonex.org,
+44 (0)1372 750555