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Applied Physics   Biotechnology    Communications    Computing    Engineering    Materials    Nanotechnology

Computing Events held October 3-9
This category covers research into all aspects of information processing, including computers, software and communications. Topics include artificial intelligence, user interfaces and the Internet.

Event: MASCOTS 2005, 13th Annual Meeting of the IEEE International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems
Host Organization: IEEE
Date: Tuesday, September 27 - Thursday, September 29
Location: Atlanta, Georgia
Event Webpage: www.mascots-conference.org
Host Website: www.computer.org
Contacts: riley@ece.gatech.edu

Event: MSWiM '05: 7th International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems 2004
Host Organization: ACM
Date: Monday, October 10 - Thursday, October 13
Location: Montreal, Canada
Event Webpage: www.cs.unibo.it/mswim2005
Host Website: www.acm.org
Contacts: www.cs.unibo.it/people/faculty/bononi/mswim2005/committee.htm

Event: SAICSIT 2005
Host Organization: South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists, University of Pretoria
Date: Tuesday, September 20 - Thursday, September 22
Location: White River, South Africa
Event Webpage: saicsit.cs.up.ac.za
Event Program: N/A
Host Website: saicsit.org.za, www.cs.up.ac.za
Contacts: N/A

Event: The 2005 Research Conference on Innovations in Information Technology (IIT2005)
Host Organization: N/A
Date: Monday, September 26 - Wednesday, September 28
Location: Dubai City, United Arab-Emerates
Event Webpage: www.it-innovations.ae
Event Program: N/A
Host Website: N/A
Contacts: N/A

Event: ICNP 2005, 13th IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols
Host Organization: IEEE, Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus, University of Mannheim
Date: Sunday, November 6 - Wednesday, November 9
Location: Boston, Massachusetts
Event Webpage: csr.bu.edu/icnp2005
Event Program: N/A
Host Website: www.computer.org, www-rnks.informatik.tu-cottbus.de, www.informatik.uni-mannheim.de/pi4
Contacts: N/A

Event: SPIRE 2005: Symposium on String Processing and Infromation Retrieval
Host Organization: Argentinean Computer Science Society
Date: Wednesday, November 2 - Friday, November 4
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Event Webpage: www.la-web.org/spire2005
Event Program: N/A
Host Website: N/A
Contacts: N/A

Event: Third International Symposium on Quantum Informatics
Host Organization: Chair of Quantum Informatics Moscow State University
Date: Monday, October 3 - Friday, October 7
Location: Zvenigorod, Russia
Event Webpage: qi.cs.msu.su/ru/QI-2005
Host Website: qi.cs.msu.su/en
Contacts: ozhigov@hotbox.ru, (095) 332 47 53

Event: Pacific Graphics 2005, 13th Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics & Applications
Host Organization: University of Macau
Date: Wednesday, October 12 - Friday, October 14
Location: Macao, China
Event Webpage: www.fst.umac.mo/pg2005
Event Program: www.fst.umac.mo/pg2005/conf_prog.html
Host Website: www.umac.mo
Contacts: Wu Enhua, pg2005@umac.mo, (853) 397-4468

No 2005.
Smart Imagers and Their Applications
Host Organization: N/A
Date: Wednesday, October 6 - Friday, October 8
Location: Moscow, Russia
Event Webpage: N/A
Host Website: N/A
Contacts: N/A

Event: ICWI 2005, IADIS WWW/Internet 2005 Conference
Host Organization: N/A
Date: Wednesday, October 19 - Saturday, October 22
Location: Lisbon, Portugal
Event Webpage: www.iadis.org/icwi2005
Host Website: N/A
Contacts: secretariat@iadis.org

Event: ANTLR 2005: Another Tool for Language Recognition
Host Organization: University of San Francisco, Dept of Computer Science
Date: Thursday, October 20 & Friday, October 21
Location: San Francisco, California
Event Webpage: www.cs.usfca.edu/ANTLR2005.shtml
Event Program: www.cs.usfca.edu/ANTLR2005.shtml
Host Website: www.cs.usfca.edu
Contacts: Terence Parr, parrt@cs.usfca.edu, Loring Craymer, Loring.Craymer@jpl.nasa.gov

Event: 2005 World Technology Summit & Awards
Host Organization: The World Technology Market
Date: Monday, November 14 & Tuesday, November 15
Location: San Francisco, California
Event Webpage: www.wtn.net/new/registration/2005/summit/public/index.php
Event Program: www.wtn.net/new/registration/2005/summit/public/agenda.php
Host Website: www.wtn.net
Contacts: awards2005@wtn.net

The above computing events list is one of seven events lists for the week of October 3-9 . The calendar to the right links to computing events for other weeks in the same month. The links below lead to events in six other categories for the same week.

Applied Physics   Biotechnology    Communications    Computing    Engineering    Materials    Nanotechnology

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