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Applied Physics   Biotechnology    Communications    Computing    Engineering    Materials    Nanotechnology

Computing Events held October 17-23
This category covers research into all aspects of information processing, including computers, software and communications. Topics include artificial intelligence, user interfaces and the Internet.

Event: Fall Vision Meeting 2005
Host Organization: OSA
Date: Friday, October 21 - Sunday, October 23
Location: Tucson, Arizona
Event Webpage: www.osavisionmeeting.org/2005
Event Program: www.osavisionmeeting.org/2005/program.php
Host Website: osa.org
Contacts: N/A

Event: FOCS 2005, 46th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science
Host Organization: IEEE
Date: Sunday, October 23 - Tuesday, October 25
Location: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Event Webpage: www-2.cs.cmu.edu/~FOCS05, www.cs.cornell.edu/Research/focs05
Event Program: N/A
Host Website: www.computer.org
Contacts: N/A

Event: SRDS 2005, 24th Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems
Host Organization: IEEE, West Virginia University
Date: Wednesday, October 26 - Friday, October 28
Location: Orlando, Florida
Event Webpage: srds05.csee.wvu.edu
Event Program: srds05.csee.wvu.edu/Program.htm
Host Website: www.computer.org, www.lcsee.cemr.wvu.edu
Contacts: Mukesh Singhal, singhal@cs.uky.edu, Sumi Helal, helal@cise.ufl.edu

Event: NPC 2005, IFIP International Conference on Network & Parallel Computing
Host Organization: Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Date: Wednesday, November 30 - Saturday, December 3
Location: Beijing, China
Event Webpage: grid.hust.edu.cn/npc05
Event Program: N/A
Host Website: hust.edu.cn
Contacts: N/A

Event: ASSETS 05: The Fifth International ACM SIGCAPH Conference on Assistive Technologies 2005
Host Organization: ACM
Date: Monday, October 9 - Wednesday, October 12
Location: Baltimore, Maryland
Event Webpage: www.acm.org/sigaccess/assets05
Event Program: N/A
Host Website: www.acm.org
Contacts: Andrew Sears, asears@umbc.edu

Event: MIDDLEWARE '05: Middleware 2005 Conference
Host Organization: ACM, Objectweb Open Source Middleware
Date: November 28 - December 2
Location: Grenoble, France
Event Webpage: middleware05.objectweb.org
Event Program: N/A
Host Website: www.acm.org, www.objectweb.org
Contacts: Jean-Bernard Stefani, Jean-Bernard.Stefani@inrialpes.fr

Event: QShine, International Conference on Quality of Service in Heterogeneous Wired/Wireless Networks
Host Organization: IEEE, ACM
Date: Monday, August 22 - Wednesday, August 24
Location: Orlando, Florida
Event Webpage: www.qshine.org
Event Program: www.qshine.org/techprog.html
Host Website: www.computer.org, www.acm.org
Contacts: Michael Fang, fang@ece.ufl.edu

Event: ESAW 2005, 6th International Workshop on Engineering Societies in the Agents World
Host Organization: Ege University
Date: Wednesday, October 26 - Friday, October 28
Location: Aydin, Turkey
Event Webpage: esaw05.ege.edu.tr
Event Program: esaw05.ege.edu.tr/program.html
Host Website: www.ege.edu.tr
Contacts: Oguz Dikenelli, oguzd@staff.ege.edu.tr

Event: DS-RT 2005, 9th IEEE Iternational Symposium on Distributed Simulation & Real-Time Applications
Host Organization: IEEE
Date: Monday, October 10 - Wednesday, October 12
Location: Montreal, Canada
Event Webpage: www.cs.unibo.it/people/faculty/bononi/DS-RT2005
Event Program: N/A
Host Website: www.computer.org
Contacts: N/A

Event: RoboNexus
Host Organization: Robotics Trends and IDG World Expo
Date: Thursday, October 6 - Sunday, October 9
Location: San Jose, California
Event Webpage: www.robonexus.com
Event Program: www.robonexus.com/program.htm
Host Website: idgworldexpo.com
Contacts: N/A

Event: 8th Annual Conference on Computational Genomics
Host Organization: The Institute for Genomic Research, Jackson Laboratory
Date: Wednesday, November 9 - Saturday, November 12
Location: Cambridge, Massachusetts
Event Webpage: www.jax.org/courses/events/coursedetails.do?id=137
Event Program: www.jax.org/courses/events/coursedetails.do?id=137&detail=schedule
Host Website: www.tigr.org, www.jax.org
Contacts: Erin McDevitt, erin.mcdevitt@jax.org, (207) 288-6659

Event: The Fourth International Conference on Grid and Cooperative Computing (GCC 2005)
Host Organization: Institute of Computing Technology Chinese Academy of Sciences
Date: Wednesday, November 30 - Saturday, December 3
Location: Beijing, China
Event Webpage: www.ict.ac.cn/GCC2005
Event Program: N/A
Host Website: www.ict.ac.cn/en
Contacts: kg@ict.ac.cn

The above computing events list is one of seven events lists for the week of October 17-23. The calendar to the right links to computing events for other weeks in the same month. The links below lead to events in six other categories for the same week.

Applied Physics   Biotechnology    Communications    Computing    Engineering    Materials    Nanotechnology

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