January 26/February 2, 2005   

   Nano bridge builds logic
A conjuring trick that would have impressed the alchemists of old -- producing bits of silver seemingly out of thin air -- is the basis of a nanoscale electrical switch that could one day replace today's semiconductor technology. Prototypes show potential for both memory and logic chips.
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Braille display drives biochip
The tiny channels in labs-on-a-chip resemble blood vessels. This has inspired scientists to try to grow cells and even tissue in the chips in order to test substances like drugs. A key issue is how to make pumps and valves for the devices. A computer-controlled Braille display turns out to be a ready-made solution.

Adaptive lights organize traffic
Big city rush-hour traffic can leave drivers feeling like ants. Some of the self-organizing principles that keep insects communities humming along for traffic management could make for faster commutes. A scheme to allow traffic lights to act on their own in response to local conditions shows promise.

The How It Works Files
Nanotechnology: the physics of the very small

Spray-on photocells harvest infrared... Oil and water drive display... Chemical fuse makes cheap sensors... Metals speed transparent circuits... Plastic records infrared light... Magnetic logic becomes practical... Plastic memory retains data.

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