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into site improvements. Many of our new sections could, given more resources,
be launched sooner and grow more quickly. You can also contribute by buying
your books through TRN.
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important tool in improving the site. Please let us know what you think
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Technology Research News (TRN) is an independent news journal
and Web site begun and run by journalists. We aim to make science and
technology understandable and accessible in a world where the ever-increasing
pace of scientific developments is increasingly affecting business, culture
and daily life.
Site Traffic
Total visitors
February, 2005: 150,664
Total visitors March, 2005: 189,301
Total visitors April, 2005: 185,895
Total visitors May, 2005: 175,999
Total visitors June, 2005: 205,868
Site Additions and Updates
July 27, 2005
Launched TRN
Ask a question, give your opinion, get a discussion started about anything
to do with science and technology or TRN.
Status: Live.
July 27, 2005
Improved TRN's Events Directory
Comprehensive listing of business, scientific and technical conferences
and exhibitions related to technology research.
Status: 12 months.
Note: This listing includes a form that allows you to suggest
events to include in the listing.
June 15, 2005
Launched TRN's Events Directory
Comprehensive listing of business, scientific and technical conferences
and exhibitions related to technology research. Events are organized by
date within seven broad categories: applied physics, biotechnology, communications,
computing, engineering, materials, and nanotechnology. Also includes search.
Status: 4 months. Over
the next few weeks the listing will expand to include events six months
or more in advathence.
Note: This listing includes a form that allows you to suggest
events to include in the listing.
4, 2005
Improved TRN's
Researchers to Watch
Listing of key researchers and their Web sites within broad technology
organized by sub-topic. Added search field.
Status: 68 subcategories
Growth Possibilities: Explanations that organize the technologies,
put them in context, and point out key developments to look for as the
research goes forward. More groups of researchers under more subtopics.
May 4, 2005
Improved The TRN Finder
Set of science and technology searches and directories. Added Researchers
to Watch search to TRN Site Directories section. Added six new search
categories and 3-5 new sources to Directed Searches section. New sections
include automotive,
electronics, entertainment,
health, home,
social/business; new searches include books, Google News, Sirus,
in the health category, PubMed and GoldBamboo.
Status: 29 searches; 14 sets of directed searches across 6-8 sources.
Growth Possibilities: More searches. Better ways to search.
April 19, 2005
Improved The TRN Finder
Set of science and technology searches and directories. Added directed
searches section.
Status: 28 searches; 7 sets of directed searches across TRN, Google,
and Google Scholar.
Growth Possibilities: More directed searches. Better ways to search.
March 23, 2005
Launched The TRN Finder
Set of science and technology searches and directories.
Status: 28 searches
Growth Possibilities: Combined searches. Better ways to search.
March 14, 2005
Improved Making the Future reports
and biweekly PDF page
Added thumbnail pictures of report covers.
March 9, 2005
Launched TRN's
Researchers to Watch
Listing of key researchers and their Web sites within broad technology
organized by sub-topic.
Status: 68 subcategories
Growth Possibilities: Explanations that organize the technologies,
put them in context, and point out key developments to look for as the
research goes forward. More groups of researchers under more subtopics.
February 23, 2005
Launched Impact Assessment
A column by Ted Smalley Bowen that follows the way technology is settling
into the real world.
Status: Frequency of 6-10 per year
Growth possibilities: Increased frequency; additional columns
February 9, 2005
Launched View
from the High Ground
A periodic question and answer interview with a top researcher.
Status: Frequency of 6 per year
Growth possibilities: Increase frequency
February 9, 2005
The TRN Bookshelf
Online version of the physical bookcase in the TRN offices that houses
the best science and technology books that we've read.
Status: 35 books on the bookshelf, three full reviews; RSS
Growth possibilities: More reviews.
December 6, 2004
Smalley's Research Watch
that illuminates science and technology developments by making connections
among technologies, news events, and people's lives.
Status: 1-2 items per week; RSS feed
Growth possibilities: More items per week. Additional blogs.
September, 2004
Redesigned TRN's
Research Directory
Directory of applied physics, biotechnology,
communications, computing, engineering, materials, and nanotechnology
research resources at university, government and corporate research sites.
Status: 24 organizations
possibilities: More organizations; 250 planned.