October 24, 2005


Portable augmented reality
Computer monitors are by no means an endangered species, but it is becoming increasingly apparent that they will soon be replaced for many uses by floors, walls and table tops...

Bacteria simplifies fuel cells
Most fuel cells run on hydrogen that the cells first extract from hydrocarbons like fossil fuels and plant matter. The extraction process, however, also produces carbon monoxide, which inhibits the chemical reaction that fuel cells use to generate electricity...

Nano error correction
Molecular-scale manufacturing promises extremely small, fast, cheap devices like computers. Molecular-scale fabrication processes tend to involve chemistry and biology, which are usually simple and inexpensive to carry out, but also error-prone...

Addressing nanowire arrays
Smaller circuitry means smaller, faster, lower-power computers. One way to make smaller circuits is to use densely-packed nanowires, which can be as small as a few millionths of a millimeter. A big challenge in developing nanoelectronics is connecting molecular-scale circuits...

Bits and pieces
Color e-paper, all-optical memory chips and all-inorganic nanocrystal solar cells.


View from the High Ground: USC's Michael Arbib
Computing matter, the action-perception cycle, imagining tea with grandmother, passionate robots, transferring brain settings, the Mirror System Hypothesis, Hurricane Katrina, universal health care, and Goethe.

How It Works: Data storage technologies
There are many possibilities for next generation data storage: very large, extraordinary and ballistic magnetoresistance; MEMS; near-field optics; holograms and molecular switches.

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October 25, 2005
Boosting old brains
It looks like timing is everything in teaching an older brain new tricks.

Researchers from Miami University have shown that it's possible to make the age-related learning impairments of rabbits disappear by timing the learning

October 21, 2005
That's how the spaghetti crumbles

October 11, 2005
Grammar as time machine

October 5, 2005
Uphill water walkers

September 30, 2005
Seashells and CO2

"If we consider the fate of New Orleans with Hurricane Katrina, we can certainly see challenges for technology in terms of better design and maintenance of levees, or in communication systems, but we also see the fruits of pork-barrel politics, lack of planning and coordination (technology can help, but one needs bright dedicated people to make use of it), and acceptance of a status quo in which too many people live in poverty."
- Michael Arbib, University of Southern California

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