December 26, 2005/
January 2, 2006


DNA patterns
DNA is a versatile molecule with many potential technological applications because it can organize itself into all manner of useful patterns...

Optical circuits simplified
Computer circuits that use light to transmit information would be much faster and would use less power than today's electronic circuitry. There are a host of challenges in making practical optical circuits, however, because light beams interact with each other only weakly...

Nanotech medicine
Nanotechnology has the potential to improve medicine in many areas. A pair of research developments move nanotechnology treatments for cancer and degenerative eye problems closer to reality...

Robotic consciousness
Although we are still a long way from artificial minds, researchers from Meiji University in Japan have moved a step in that direction. They have built a pair of robots that harbor rudimentary consciousnesses...

Bits and pieces
A camera that eyes quantum bits, an artificial cell component, better dye solar cells, a nanosensor for protein shapes, DNA scaffolding, and micro cubes.


View from the High Ground: Cornell's Jon Kleinberg
Six degrees of separation, buying gasoline by the molecule, the science of popularity, all just getting along online, intellectual prosthetics, Big Science, making up questions, and telling stories.

How It Works: Quantum computing: qubits
Photons, electrons and atoms, oh my! These particles are the raw materials for qubits, the basic building blocks of quantum computers.

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January 6, 2006
Dangerous thoughts ahead
The Web site Edge -- that online collection of thoughts from the best and brightest minds of the English-speaking world of science and technology -- has posted its annual question: What is your dangerous idea?

The 119 responses range from politically dangerous to politically incorrect, scientifically insightful to scientifically heretical, and emotionally satisfying to emotionally repulsive.

Here are some that caught my eye

December 23, 2005
The world is your farm

December 16, 2005
Morphing bubbles

December 11, 2005
Humor divides brains by gender

"In most areas of science and technology, the origins of new breakthroughs can still be found in the work of a small number of people -- or even a single person -- working at their own pace on their own questions, pursuing things that interest them. "
- Jon Kleinberg, Cornell University

  Thanks to Kevin from
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