September 4/11, 2006


Inkjetting nanotubes

An ordinary inkjet printer filled with ink made from modified carbon nanotubes puts electrically conductive patterns on paper and plastic. The method could be used to make inexpensive gas sensors, fuel-cell electrodes, flexible displays and radio frequency identification tags. (Inkjet Printing of Electrically Conductive Patterns of Carbon Nanotubes, Small, August 2006)

Chip laser shines nano spots

Optical storage devices and magnetic disc drives that use lasers as heat sources could pack more information per square inch thanks to a modified laser diode that produces 40- by 100-nanometer spots of bright near-infrared light. The laser diode has a pair of closely-spaced nanoscale gold rectangles attached to its face, and light shone through the gap onto a nearby surface produces the unusually small spots. (Plasmonic Laser Antenna, Applied Physics Letters, August 28, 2006)

3D nanowire paper

Long titanium dioxide nanofibers form a type of paper that can be used in chemical and bacterial filters, flame-retardant fabrics, drug delivery devices and chemical catalysts. The nanowire paper can be shaped into sheets, tubes, bowls and other three-dimensional objects. (Multifunctional, Catalytic Nanowire Membranes and the Membrane-Based 3D Devices, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, August 31, 2006)

Molecular barcodes

A form of molecular computation -- using chemicals as inputs and outputs and chemical reactions as simple logic operations -- produces millions of unique, easily read fluorescent colors. The colors can be used to make chemical barcodes for tracking many individual cells at once for medical diagnostics and biological studies. The chemical barcodes would also make it possible to track tiny beads used in combinatorial chemistry. (Molecular Computational Elements Encode Large Populations of Small Objects, Nature Materials, October 2006)

Microscopes set to go hyper

A theoretical study shows that the right kind of superlens converts near-field light to ordinary propagating light. Near-field light can be used to see nanoscale objects, but it can't be magnified and channeled using lenses and mirrors, which means it can only see a tiny portion of a sample at a time. Superlenses are lenses made of materials that bend light waves the wrong way. The hyperlens design could be used to make optical microscopes that are more powerful than today’s. (Optical Hyperlens: Far-Field Imaging Beyond the Diffraction Limit, Optics Express, September 4, 2006)

Entangled quantum crypto demo

An experimental quantum cryptography system uses entangled photon pairs to provide secure communications between sites 1.5 kilometers apart. Entangled photon pairs are difficult to generate but make quantum cryptography systems less vulnerable to eavesdropping than quantum cryptography systems that use the quantum properties of single photons. (Free-Space Quantum Key Distribution with Entangled Photons, Applied Physics Letters, September 4, 2006)


View from the High Ground: ICL's John Pendry
Physics as machine tool, negative refractive index, metamaterials, shattered wine glasses, higher capacity DVDs, scientific backwaters, risk perception and practice, practice, practice.

How It Works: Quantum computing: qubits
Photons, electrons and atoms, oh my! These particles are the raw materials for qubits, the basic building blocks of quantum computers.

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August 8th, 2006
Highlights from Siggraph
The red-eye removal feature in Photoshop, which uses object recognition technology to identify eyes, was Adobe’s first foray into working with the content of images. Automatic content analysis is a major focus of computer vision and image processing research......

July 25, 2006
Cooked wine

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Music space

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Crops take global warming hit


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"Physics is to the rest of science what machine tools are to engineering. A corollary is that science places power in our hands which can be used for good or ill. Technology has been abused in this way throughout the ages from gunpowder to atomic bombs."
- John Pendry, Imperial College London

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