Technology has held out promises of virtual
reality for years now, and such environments are slowly getting better.
Researchers from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) have taken
another step toward making virtual reality more real.
The researchers have expanded their blue-c virtual reality environment
to include three-dimensional video acquisition. The system consists of a
U-shaped portal of three glass-panel screens, and several video cameras
that take pictures of the user in order to place him in the virtual scene
in real-time.
The system could be used to more easily visualize large data sets,
as a design tool for architects and engineers, for entertainment, and for
collaborative applications, including videoconferencing, according to the
The glass-panel screens can be switched between a whitish, opaque
state for projecting images onto, and a transparent state. The screens switch
rapidly between the two states, and are synchronized with projection equipment
and glasses worn by the viewer. This allows the cameras to be placed out
of sight behind the projection screens. The user stands in the U-shaped
structure, and by looking to the front, left and right, gains an immersive
view with his own real-time image included.
Real-time 3D video should be ready for commercial use in three to
five years, according to the researchers. The researchers presented the
work at the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) Special Interest Group
Graphics (Siggraph) 2003 conference in San Diego, July 27 to 31.
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