SAVCBS '05: Specification and Verification of Component-based
Systems 2005
Host Organization: ACM
Date: Monday, September 5 & Tuesday, September 6
Location: Lisbon, Portugal
Event Webpage: www.cs.iastate.edu/~leavens/SAVCBS/2005
Event Program: N/A
Host Website: www.acm.org
Contacts: Gary Leavens, leavens@ccs.iastate.edu,
Steve Edwards, edwards@cs.vt.edu
ISWC 2005: IEEE International Symposium on Wearable Computers
Host Organization: IEEE
Date: Tuesday, October 18 - Friday, October 21
Location: Osaka, Japan
Event Webpage: www.cc.gatech.edu/ccg/iswc05
Event Program: www.cc.gatech.edu/ccg/iswc05/program.html
Host Website: www.computer.org
Contacts: Masatsugu Kidode, iswc05-general-chair@is.naist.jp
13th Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering
Host Organization: ACM
Date: Monday, September 5 - Friday, September 9
Location: Lisbon, Portugal
Event Webpage: esecfse05.unl.pt
Event Program: esecfse05.unl.pt/programme/programme.pdf
Host Website: www.acm.org
Contacts: esecfse05@di.fct.unl.pt,
Supercomputing 2005 (SC2005) High Performance, Networking
and Storage Conference
Host Organization: ACM Special Interest Group
on Computer Architecture (SIGARCH)
Date: Saturday, November 12 - Friday, November
Location: Seattle, Washington
Event Webpage: sc05.supercomputing.org
Event Program: sc05.supercomputing.org/programs/home.php
Host Website: www.sc-conference.org
Contacts: sc05.supercomputing.org/about/contact-info.php