January 24, 2001   

   Light impresses atoms
Slowing light pulses to a halt in vapor can imprint the light wave's information into the vapor's atoms. Hitting the atoms with a laser reconstitutes the light pulse and sends it on its way. This light storage technique could become a key feature of quantum computers. Full story
Scattered signals boost capacity
Radio signals bouncing off buildings used to mean bad reception. But Bell Labs researchers have rigged an antenna to pull in the wayward waves and get more out of the increasingly crowded spectrum.

Self-configuring robot mimics lifeforms
A modular robot has hormones to blame when it goes to pieces or dramatically changes its appearance. The same electronic hormones also help it pull itself together and put one foot in front of the other.

Nanotube kinks control current
Some of those minuscule carbon tubes may be diamonds in the rough. Nanotubes with defects could make for ultra dense circuitry.

Jellyfish protein proves promising light source
Jellyfish could be the secret ingredient in a future generation of PDAs. Given a dose of heavy metal, a gently glowing protein from the sea creatures could light up all manner of displays.

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