July 18, 2001   

   HP maps molecular memory
Molecular-scale computing is a fine idea, but connecting individual molecules to conventional electronic circuits is like trying to sew a button with rope. A memory scheme that uses randomness to assign molecules definite addresses is a step in the right direction.
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Cartoons loosen up computer interfaces
Classic cartoons stretch reality out of shape but don't leave you wondering what's going on. Could some of those exaggerated animation techniques make computer interfaces easier to grasp?

Bioengineers aim to harness bacterial motion
Figuring out how to move microscopic objects in liquids is a tough problem. Fortunately, critters have been doing that for billions of years.

Virtual view helps run tiny factory
A digital stand-in lets researchers set up an assembly line that is smaller than the eye can see.

Lasers spin electrons into motion
Hitting a pool of trapped electrons with corkscrewing light beams causes current to flow: it's another advance in the fledgling field of spintronics, which could lead to ultra low-power electronics.

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