going to be a long time before cyborgs walk
the Earth -- joining electrical circuits to
biological nervous systems is far beyond today's
technology. Soldering bits of semiconductor
to a nerve cell, however, is a step toward
the dawn of a new age in human-computer relations.
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gem channels light
Make a fake opal, turn it inside out, and you're
on your way to building an optical version of a
computer chip. But there's little room for defects
in the crystal. A manufacturing process hits the
sweet spot of telecommunications wavelengths.
follows video action
Imagine trying to watch television if you couldn't
tell people or cars from background scenery. That's
the problem computers face. A computer vision system
that aims to keep track of objects on video even
when they momentarily disappear could help.
may dictate intelligence
Would you be as smart as you are if you lived in
isolation and had no unmet needs? One study using
software agents suggests that intelligence is inseparable
from the challenges of living in the real world.
methods may spot intruders
Researchers are working on applying a technique
for observing subtle details in nuclear experiments
to tracking the faint traces left by Internet ne'er-do-wells.