compressor ID's authors
Kimberly Patch,
Technology Research News
Using computers to find language patterns
like the forms that make up the grammar of a particular language or the
turns of phrase a certain author tends to use is both useful and tricky.
The main challenge is a version of the classic chicken-and-egg conundrum:
if the patterns are unknown, how you know what to tell a program to look
Researchers from the University of Rome in Italy are using differences
in the way text files are compressed as points of comparison. Using these
patterns, the researchers can compare how close a string of unknown text
is to a block of text written in a specific language, or even by a specific
author. Data compression techniques are used to shrink files so they take
up less storage space and travel more quickly over networks.
The researchers tested the method using gzip, a well-known compression
program, and 90 texts written by 11 authors. They included a short string
of unidentified text at the end of each of a group of longer, known texts,
and used the compression process to compare the short string of text to
the group of known texts.
This type of research could make it easier to automatically identify languages,
identify authorship of a document, or adapt computer tools like spell
checkers to different languages. It could also be used to automatically
classify other types of data like DNA sequences and seismic information.
Compression algorithms, or zippers, save space by rooting out redundancy.
They replace an original file with a group of building blocks plus instructions
for putting the building blocks together to reconstruct the original file.
"A zipper is... explicitly conceived to take a file and try to transform
it into the shortest possible file," said Vittorio Loreto, a physics researcher
at the University of Rome.
The researchers measured how similar the short, unknown string of text
was to the file it was compressed with by noting how concisely the zippers
for each known file compressed the unknown string.
"If we take a long English text and... apend to it an Italian text, then
zip [the resulting file], the zipper begins reading the file starting
from the English text," said Loreto. "So after a while it is able to encode
optimally the English file. [But] when the Italian part begins, the zipper
starts encoding it in a way which is optimal for the English," he said.
As long as the Italian portion of the file is short enough, the zipper
will compress the Italian using the English rules, Loreto said. This makes
it possible to use the compression rate as a measure of how close the
two languages are, he said. "If the length of the Italian file is small
enough, the difference between the length in bits of the zipped Italian
plus English text and the length in bits of the English text zipped alone
will give a measure of the distance between the two texts," he said.
This distance, or entropy between two languages is the difficulty a native
speaker of one language encounters in attempting to read text written
in another, said Loreto.
This distance between known and unknown texts is a tool that computer
algorithms can use to recognize the context of a given sequence -- things
like its language, subject and author, Loretto said.
For automatic language recognition, for example, a piece of unknown text
can be compared with many texts in many different languages. The procedure
will show the language that is the closest to the unknown file. If the
language collection includes the language in question, the closest file
will be the same language, said Loreto.
In a similar way, unknown files can be automatically sorted by subject
and author as well, he said. "If you are able to guess automatically the
subject a given text is about without the need to read it, you can exploit
this feature for automatic classification," he said.
The distance data can be used to automatically build tree-type representations
of relationships among texts, said Loreto. "This way one also has a graphical
representation of the corpus structure."
A key problem plaguing computer linguists is finding patterns even when
you don't know exactly what you're looking for, said Patrick Juola, an
assistant professor of computer science at Duquesne University. The University
of Rome researchers have tackled the problem by adapting the "best-known
pattern-finding machines -- compression algorithms -- to the task of learning
patterns useful for categorizing language," he said.
There are several groups working on similar methods, Juola added. "Language
has interesting patterns that can be found automatically. The question
that remains is what's the best way to find and exploit these patterns,
and what kinds of problems can we solve with them," he said.
This type of research is useful for things like Web searches and finding
authorship, said Juola. "The major implication... is that this kind of
technique makes it much easier to analyze linguistic documents without
having a detailed knowledge of the language in question," he said.
The method could help adapt existing language tools like Web search engines,
and spelling and grammar checkers to new languages that don't have a long
scientific and analytical tradition, said Juola. "If I were the University
of Nepal, I'd be very interested in seeing how this could help with the
development of a modern information processing system for Nepali documents."
One language recognition challenge is gaining information by using just
a few characters. The ability to identify the language a document is written
in in as few as 20 characters may allow the researchers' method to identify
the language of picture captions and table headings, which is hard to
do right now, Juola said. One possible drawback to the method is that
because it needs a lot of text in various languages to make a comparison,
it may take a long time to do so, Juola added.
The researchers have tested the method by classifying large law and literature
collections, said Loreto. The method can also automatically classify strings
of characters that represent non-text coding, [like] time sequences, genetic
sequences... stock market data, and medical monitoring data, he said.
The next step in the work is applying it in one of these areas, said Loreto.
The researchers are looking at "the analysis of biological data -- DNA
or protein sequences -- and the investigation of phenomena described in
terms of time-series: earthquake sequences, stock-market data, or other
kinds of signals," he said.
In both cases, "we expect to be able to implement procedures for automatic
recognition and classification [to identify] specific significant patterns
like the sequences codifying the genes in DNA or some premonitory pattern
in geological or medical data," he said.
Loreto's research colleagues were Dario Benedetto of the University of
Rome and Emanuele Chaglioti of the University of Rome and the Center for
Statistical Candidates and Complexity (INFM) in Italy. They published
the research in the January 28, 2002 issue of Physical Review Letters.
The research was funded by the University.
Timeline: Now
Funding: University
TRN Categories: Applied Technology; Pattern Recognition
Story Type: News
Related Elements: Technical paper, "Language Trees and Zipping,"
Physical Review Letters, January 28, 2002.
17/20, 2002
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