mimic aids reading
memory works by association -- when one piece
of information is recalled, related information
also comes to mind. Not surprisingly, text
is organized in a similar way, with related
words appearing near each other. Software
that highlights terms related to a query takes
advantage of both organizational structures.
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gauges cell reactions
Biological cells react to all kinds of stimuli,
often by changing size. Measuring changes in size
can give scientists clues about the effects of drugs
and radiation on human cells and bacteria. A prototype
microfluidic device promises fast, simple diagnostics.
from the High Ground: NYU's Nadrian Seeman
An email conversation with New York University chemistry
professor Nadrian Seeman: DNA nanotechnology, nanorobotics,
algorithmic self-assembly, failure, Escher, Art
of the Soluble, and Osiris and Isis.
tension drives nanomotor
The simple act of a large droplet absorbing a smaller
one is key to a powerful nanomotor that could power
all manner of microscopic machines.
sniffs explosives
A laser made from a thin plastic film makes it possible
to sniff out trace amounts of vapors emitted by
pyramids boost fuel cells
The key to making efficient fuel cells for cars
could be pyramids that measure only a few millionths
of a millimeter on a side.
snapshots show quantum weirdness
Pictures of light scattering off clouds of atoms
open a window into the weirdness that lies at the
heart of quantum computers.