PDA translates speech
Kimberly Patch,
Technology Research News
As speech recognition technology gets better,
and as handheld computers get more powerful, audio translators are becoming
a more practical proposition.
Researchers from Carnegie Mellon University, Cepstral, LLC, Multimodal
Technologies Inc. and Mobile Technologies Inc. have put together a two-way
speech-to-speech system that translates medical information from Arabic
to English and English to Arabic and runs on an iPaq handheld computer.
The prototype falls short of Star Trek's fictional universal translator
in several ways. The system is not transparent -- it must be switched
between Arabic-to-English and English-to-Arabic modes. It also works only
when the speakers are talking about medical information, and it's only
about 80 percent accurate in the lab.
The device shows that it's becoming possible, however, to provide
automatic translation using a portable device. "It's good enough to make
yourself understood," said Alex Waibel, a professor of computer science
at Carnegie Mellon University and a founder of Mobile Technologies Inc.
The effort is one of a series of projects aimed at providing the
armed forces with automatic translation for medical and force protection
situations and making automatic translation in a wider set of subject
areas available for tourists during the 2008 Olympics in Beijing, said
The Speechalator prototype uses a built-in microphone and a language-selection
button. "You push on the button on the iPaq and speak a sentence and then
the translation comes out... in the other language," said Waibel. "You
can switch it into the opposite mode when the other person answers and
it translates back into your own language."
The software consists of three components: a speech recognizer,
a translator, and a speech synthesis engine. "Each one of these components
have slight twists to them... in order to work properly for speech translation,"
said Waibel.
The researchers modified the speech recognition engine to optimize
it for handling spontaneous speech.
The translation system has the biggest twist. It extracts the
key meaning from the input sentence and translates it to an interlingual,
or intermediate representation, and the process depends on the speech
being contained in a certain domain, or context, like medical information.
"It's just certain nuggets in the phrase that... you need to extract,"
said Waibel.
The process is akin to constructing a medical-context template
that fits the key information, then filling in the template, said Waibel.
This process makes it possible for the system to handle spontaneous speech.
"We go fishing for the nuggets," he said. But it is also a limitation
-- the system must know what domain a speaker is talking about.
The researchers are working on a system that can handle multiple
contexts and automatically switch between them, said Waibel. "It can,
for example, recognize 'now you're in the hotel reservation domain', or
'now you're in the conference registration mode', or 'now you're talking
about medical problem'," he said.
To come up with templates that handle different domains, the researchers
collect a lot of data from people talking in those domains, said Waibel.
"The more data we collect the better coverage of all the possible ways
you could be saying [these things] becomes," he said.
The difficult part was fitting the software required to do two-way
translation in the 64 megabytes of memory contained in the handheld computer,
said Waibel. "You need two recognizers, two synthesizers and two translators
to make [it] happen in both directions," he said.
The prototype also has a camera attachment that translates text
like that on street signs, said Waibel. Snap a picture of a sign with
the camera and it automatically extracts the text region, puts the text
through a character recognition program, then translates it, he said.
"What you then see on the screen is the picture of the scene with a sign
and then underneath an English subtitle," he said.
The Speechalator is a practical proof of concept, said Bernard
Suhm, a senior scientist at BBN Technologies. "They have engineered the
recognizers and other algorithms sufficiently to make them work in real-time
on the very limited computational resources of a consumer PDA," he said.
The device carries the promise of being useful not only for medical
translation, but also situations such as travel or business, said Suhm.
"This work could facilitate the transition of speech-to-speech translation
research from the technology side of research, which focuses on algorithms
and engineering, to the human factors side of research, which focuses
on how people interact with devices, and how useful devices are to tasks
from real-life," he said.
The device hasn't yet been run through its paces in a field test,
however, Suhm said. "Until then we don't know whether the additional challenges
in the field, [like] high levels of noise... or usability issues make
it unusable," he said.
The researchers' next steps are to increase the accuracy of the
device so that it can deal with ambient noise, and expand the coverage
by collecting more data about how people communicate in different domains,
said Waibel. The researchers are also working on building learning algorithms
that automatically sort out different ways to say the same things.
The researchers' next prototype is scheduled to be finished in
the summer of 2004, and will initially have two domains: hotel reservations
and medical situations. "Then it [it will] gradually expand towards other
domains as are necessary for tourists," he said.
The device can eventually be used to provide translation services
for soldiers and relief workers in foreign countries and for travelers,
said Waibel.
It could also address a medical problem in the U.S., he said.
"There are a number of people in the U.S. who don't speak English and
then when going to doctors... feel embarrassed to explain their health
problems in front of somebody else who translates," he said.
The researchers are also working on a multilingual speech recognizer
that can recognize speech in any of a set of languages, said Waibel. "In
that case you might not have to switch the system between the two languages
-- you just talk in any language and it will come out in any other language
you choose," he said.
And they are aiming to develop a system that combines speech translation
with human-to-machine translation, said Waibel. "There are certain situations
as a traveler... where you want to communicate with a person in another
language, but then there are certain other things which you could just
as well do communicating with [a computer]," he said. You would want to
talk to another person when ordering food, but communicate with a machine
to get directions to a railway station, for example.
Longer-term the researchers are looking for ways to deal with
spontaneous speech that is not limited to a certain domain, said Waibel.
Waibel's research colleagues were Ahmed Badran, Robert Frederking,
Donna Gates, Alon Lavie, Lori Levin, Tanja Schultz and Dorcas Wallace
from Carnegie Mellon University, Alan W. Black from Carnegie Mellon University
and Cepstral, LLC, Kevin Lenzo from Cepstral, Monika Woszczyna from Multimodal
Technologies Inc., and Jürgen Reichart and Jing Zhang from Mobile Technologies
Inc. The researchers presented the results at Eurospeech 2003 in Geneva,
Switzerland, September 1 to 4. The research was funded by the Defense
Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).
Timeline: Now, 4 years
Funding: Government
TRN Categories: Applied Technology; Human-Computer Interaction
Story Type: News
Related Elements: Technical paper, "Speechalator: Two-Way
Speech-To-Speech Translation on a Consumer PDA" posted at cmu.edu/~awb/papers/...speechalator.pdf,"
Eurospeech 2003 Geneva, Switzerland September 1-4
December 17/24, 2003
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