Evolution trains robot teams
Kimberly Patch,
Technology Research News
Evolution has worked pretty well for biological
systems, so why not apply it to the systems that control robots?
Evolutionary computing has been tapped to produce coherent robot
behavior in simulation, and real robots have been used to evolve simple
behavior like moving toward light sources and avoiding objects.
Researchers from North Carolina State University and the University
of Utah have advanced the field by combining artificial neural networks
and teams of real mobile robots to demonstrate that the behavior necessary
to play Capture the Flag can be evolved in a simulation.
"The original idea... came from the desire to find a way to automatically
program robots to perform tasks that humans don't know how to do, or tasks
which humans don't know how to do well," said Andrew Nelson, now a visiting
researcher at the University of South Florida.
The method could eventually be used to develop components of control
systems used in autonomous robots, said Nelson. "Any task that can be
formulated into a competitive game -- like clearing a minefield or searching
for heat sources in a collapsed building -- could potentially be learned
by a neural network or other evolvable [system] without requiring a human
to specify the details of the task," he said.
Further off, the method could be applied to robots that must learn
to operate in environments that humans don't understand well, said Nelson.
"Currently autonomous robot control requires a human designer to carefully
analyze the robot's environment and to have a very good understanding
of exactly what the robot must do in order to achieve its task," he said.
The capture-the-flag learning behavior evolved in a computer simulation.
The researchers randomly generated a large population of neural networks,
then organized individual neural networks into teams of simulated robots
that played tournaments of games against each other, said Nelson.
After each tournament, the losing networks were deleted from the
population, and the winning neural networks were duplicated, altered slightly,
and returned to the population.
"When they first start learning, [the networks] are unable to
drive the robots correctly or even avoid objects or one another," said
Nelson. "However, some of the networks are bound to be slightly better
than others and this [is] enough to get the artificial evolution process
started," he said. "After that, competition will drive the process to
evolve better and better networks." During the course of their evolution,
the neural networks learned basic navigation, the ability to distinguish
between different types of objects, and the ability to tend the goal,
according to Nelson.
After several hundred generations, the neural networks had evolved
well enough to play the game competently and were transferred into real
robots for testing in a real environment. "The trained neural networks
were copied directly onto the real robots' onboard computers," said Nelson.
One of the main challenges in carrying out the process was making
sure the simulated environment was similar enough to the real environment
so that the networks could function in the same way in both, said Nelson.
The robots used color video signals to sense their environment. In order
to support color video signals, which carry a lot of information, the
researchers had to use relatively large neural networks containing thousands
of connections. "We had to find a way of processing video signals that
would allow for simulation but still provide enough information [to] operate
the robots," he said.
Another challenge was formulating an evolutionary training method
that fostered competition both between populations of new, very poorly
performing networks and between well-trained, highly-evolve networks,
said Nelson. "We wanted the networks to be selected for reproduction based
only on their ability to win, but not on any of our own personal human
ideas about how to go about winning," he said.
There were several surprising results, said Nelson. In many neural
network applications, the larger and more complicated a network is, the
more difficult it is to train, he said. "In contrast... we found that
the larger the network was, the easier it was to train. This could potentially
be attributed to the use of artificial evolution to train the networks,"
he said.
The researchers also found that after a certain level, increasing
the size of the evolving population did not result in evolving better
networks. "With the form of artificial evolution we used, a population
of 100 networks did not evolve better players than a population of 30
individuals," said Nelson.
The researchers are working to improve the quality and speed of
the simulations in order to apply the research to more sophisticated problems.
"One possible approach is to apply very fast high-fidelity computer gaming
engines to develop robot simulation environments," said Nelson.
The method is also likely to throw light on the question how well
artificial systems can learn complex behavior, said Nelson. "Is there
a plateau beyond which blank-slate systems cannot be trained using interaction
with the environment alone?"
Evolving entire control system components for modules used in
today's robots is possible, but not practical, because human-designed
controllers are still more efficient than evolved controllers for most
of the simple tasks autonomous robots perform, said Nelson.
The method could be used to automatically tune well-defined components
of robot control systems, said Nelson. "For example, a robot might retune
its object avoidance mechanisms upon entering a new environment -- outdoors
vs. inside," he said. This could be used practically in 3 to 6 years,
he said.
The long-term benefit of evolutionary robotics research is that
it may lead to controllers for robots that can automatically adapt to
unknown environments, said Nelson. This ability is many years off, however
-- more than 10, and perhaps as many as 50 years, he said.
Nelson's research colleagues were Edward Grant of North Carolina
State University and T. C. Henderson of the University of Utah. The work
appeared in the March 31, 2004 issue of Robotics and Autonomous Systems.
The research was funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
(DARPA) and the University of North Carolina.
Timeline: 3-6 years; 10-50 years
Funding: Government; University
TRN Categories: Robotics; Artificial Life and Evolutionary
Computing; Neural Networks
Story Type: News
Related Elements: Technical paper, "Evolution of Neural
Controllers for Competitive Game Playing with Teams of Mobile Robots,"
Robotics and Autonomous Systems, March 31, 2004
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