is a kind of number system as well as a big
molecule with a talent for rearranging itself.
These characteristics make it an attractive
candidate for building superfast molecular
computers powerful enough to crack secret
codes. The key is turning the molecules into
a jigsaw puzzle that solves itself.
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sports molecule-thin layer
Computer chip components made from one or even a
few molecules are a long way off. But making portions
of a computer transistor only one molecule thick
could result in computers that are faster and cheaper.
connects contacts
Working toward the day when computers are built
molecule by molecule, researchers are figuring out
how to turn individual molecules into wires. The
fondness gold and sodium have for each other turns
out to be a pretty good solder in a world where
a wire can be 1,000 times smaller than an E. coli
immortalizes ancient temple
Creating detailed computer models of buildings or
archeological digs usually takes hefty amounts of
computer power. Setting your sights a little lower
lets you get the job done with an ordinary PC.
boosts liquid computer
Turning a test tube of liquid into a superpowerful
computer with a cousin of the MRI machine actually
seemed like a good idea until some seemingly fatal
flaws began turning up recently. Using a laser to
line up the liquid's unruly atoms could shorten
the long odds against the technology.