Search method melds results

By Chhavi Sachdev, Technology Research News

Search for the term ‘heartburn’ in a medical database and a typical search engine will spit out a long list of documents that contain the term along with a brief summary of each hit. Researchers at Columbia University have come up with an automated engine that promises to take the search a step further by comparing the returns.

The engine finds a set of documents, defines the query term in natural sentences using text pulled from those documents, and summarizes their hyperlinks, allowing the user to see both the information present in a set of documents and what is unique to each hit, according Min-Yen Kan, a computer science researcher at Columbia.

A summary from the heartburn search, for instance, would describe the causes, symptoms and prognosis of the malady, he said.

The query results also include details like relative length that differ among types of documents. A 10-page article about heart disease might be considered long, for instance, but a 100-page novel is rather short. The results also detail whether or not a document in the set has a diagnosis section, or which documents contain figures and tables.

In order to compare results, the system sets up a topic tree for every query term by comparing all the subheads in the documents. “Each document is viewed as a tree of topics and these trees are intersected to find commonalties and differences,” said Kan.

The definition, symptoms, and causes of most problems are nearly always signaled by distinct section headings within documents. Each of these branches could have five sub-branches.

“Once a search engine knows that the document is relevant to the search query... the system matches the query to a particular node of each document,” said Kan. The node might be the root node of the tree, as in the case of ‘heartburn treatments’, or somewhere in the middle, as in the case of ‘facts about heartburn,’ he said.

The system sets up a composite tree by comparing all the documents to get an idea of what an average document is like. Even if the heartburn documents don't have ‘prognosis’ as a topic, the system can infer the typical structure of patient information documents by looking at related documents that have the same structure, Kan said.

The software sorts references and subheads, focusing on those that occur more often in the query documents. When a section is not featured in another document and is too far down from the main branches, it might be discarded as irrelevant or too intricate, said Kan.

It generates natural language summaries of text based on the types of information that are really useful, Kan said. It extracts sentences or list items that occur across documents and checks morphological and subject-verb agreements; then it adds words to make clear sentences, he said.

The software also extracts descriptors such as the author’s name, media format, and categorization keywords if they are available as metadata in the documents.

The researchers can change the parameters of a search to trade speed for accuracy; the running time for the system to summarize five documents can vary from a few seconds to a few minutes, according to Kan.

The system is currently very accurate, he said, “but this is because we have been working only on developing the system using a closed set of example documents. As we expand the types of documents we will handle, more noise and error will be introduced, reducing the accuracy.”

The medical documents the Centrifuser project draws from are very similar in domain and genre. The software could easily be adapted to other sets of documents grouped by genre in achival repositories or intranets, Kan said.

Current document summarization techniques are not particularly satisfactory, said Justin Zobel, an assistant professor of computer science at RMIT University in Australia. “Developing a careful architecture for summarization, as in this work, is definitely a good way to proceed,” and including indicative summaries is also helpful, he said.

The Columbia engine is still in an early phase, however, Zobel added. “The system is not yet at the stage at which realistic user studies can be done.”

The researchers plan next to evaluate the current system and base future development according to users’ criticisms, Kan said. They also plan to make the topic-tree indexing software better. The system could be in use in 5 to 7 years.

Kan’s research colleagues were Kathleen R. McKeown and Judith L. Klavans. They presented the research at the 8th European Workshop on Natural Language Generation in Toulouse, France, July 2001. The research was funded by the Digital Libraries 2 Initiative of the National Science Foundation (NSF).

Timeline:  5-7 years
Funding:  Government
TRN Categories:  Natural Language Processing; Databases and Information Retrieval
Story Type:   News
Related Elements:  Technical paper, "Applying Natural Language Generation to Indicative Summarization," presented, held on 6 7 July, 2001. Posted on the Computing Research Repository on July 16, 2001 at


January 9, 2002

Page One

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